Nigel Danson: filter attraction
Posted on Jan 14, 2020
Nigel Danson, landscape photographer and YouTuber, tells us why he uses the Kase Filters Magnetic Circular system.
“The first thing I should say is that I really don’t like any filters. That’s not because I don’t like the filters themselves – there are lots of fantastic filters out there – but I don’t like the process of using them. I have had lots of filters over the years and tried different ways of doing things. It takes away from the purity of just going out and taking the shot.
“But recently I have come across a new filter system that is fantastic and really works well for my workflow.
“I’d decided I didn’t need neutral density graduate filters and I would add the effect when needed in post-processing. This makes it more controllable, too, which left plain neutral density filters and the polariser, which I do use to control shutter speeds and the quality of light. This meant I could do away with a bulky filter system and go for a screw-in system.

“Someone suggested I look at the Kase Filters Magnetic Circular system. With this system, you screw the magnetic adapter ring on to the front of the lens and when you have the camera in the bag, you can protect the lens with a magnetic lens cap. When you want to use a filter, take off the cap and add the filter in its magnetic mount and it makes the process of using filters out in the field super simple. What I really love is that the case with five filters is tiny and lightweight compared with what I used to carry around. It’s so much better and I am more inclined to use filters, especially the polariser, now because I can do it really simply.
“The Kase filters are not only optically great, but have a hydrophobic coating to repel water, making them much easier to clean and dry when they get splashed photographing waterfalls or seascapes. They are toughened, too, so you can drop them and they are less likely to break. I’ve dropped and broken lots of filters in the past.
“I’d definitely recommend the Kase Magnetic Circular system, because I think it’s brilliant and, for me, it’s compact, lightweight and simple to use.”

The photographer’s toolkit
Nigel Danson has a YouTube channel with episodes on his techniques for landscape and drone photography. With great advice and featuring breathtaking locations, it’s worth subscribing to. This link takes you to his episode about filters, Nigel’s thoughts on them, why he chose Kase Magnetic Circular filters and the filters he thinks are essential for the camera bag.

The Kase Wolverine Magnetic Circular kit includes a magnetic lens adapter ring, circular polariser, ND 8 (3EV), ND 64 (6EV) and ND 1000 (10EV) neutral density filters, a carry pouch and a free magnetic lens caps. The 77mm version costs £280 and it’s £285 for the 82mm kit.
For more information, please visit the Kase Filters website.